Gardner’s Industry Buying Influence Study 2022: Behavioral Considerations for Marketers

Planning with an eye toward current buyer behavior is key to keeping current and enhancing opportunities for success.

26 Relevant Print Marketing Statistics: 2022 Ad Spending & Impact

Print marketing is not dead. Its impact on consumer brand recall and purchase decision is worth considering, especially if you want to implement an integrated, multi-channel approach to your marketing strategy. This article on marketing trends and predictions can provide more insights on strategies you can use for your business or marketing clients.

Marketing Messages That Cut Through The Noise

We’ve talked about customer journeys, emotional intelligence, and finding and retaining customers. You’ve tuned up your marketing messages. Now it’s time to decide where to place them, so customers tune in. In a world with endless channels of information, how do you become a source of knowledge — not noise? One step at a time.

How Much Should You Spend on Marketing During a Recession?

It pays to maintain — and in some cases increase — marketing expenditures during an economic downturn. As Peter Fader of the Wharton School said, “As companies slash advertising in a downturn, they leave empty space in consumers’ minds for aggressive marketers to make strong inroads.”

The Importance of Advertising Through an Economic Downturn

Someone once said “When times are good you should advertise. When times are bad you must advertise.” It may be a difficult road but, as they say, the only way out is through. Give in to the flight instinct, that is, run from the problem, and you may well be playing catchup for a long time . . . if you’re lucky.
#brandbuilding #economics

Why Print Matters

Print advertising is still alive and working. Printed media is staying afloat despite negative predictions and skepticism around it. Even more, in some industries, it remains the number one marketing platform. Print still bears a trust-value and quality that keeps it at the forefront.

Your Media Representative – Feel the Love

Thank goodness I was taught to have a different attitude about space reps at my very first agency job out of college. Here are just some of the many things I’ve learned – and am still learning – from media representatives during my career in manufacturing marketing communications.

Buying B2B Print and Digital Advertising. A Common-Sense Primer.

Buying B2B advertising may not be your full-time job, so here are tips to help do it better.

Media Solutions to Provide Direct Reach to Markets Served

As Account Manager in Sales serving the industrial audience with the latest informational content regarding the ever changing trends, Maalik Bomar plans to continue forward providing the best customer service to those client professionals seeking a direct reach to their markets served.

Increase in Technology Also Increases Communications

The speed of technology is causing ripple effects in the global manufacturing community from production all the way to market. Technology is advancing forward exponentially. As a Group Publisher, it is my duty to push the manufacturing audience with information and knowledge that will support them in their quest to be the best manufacturers they can be, using the latest delivery tools.

Everything You Wanted to Know About Industrial Marketing Today but Were Afraid to Ask

A game plan for new realities in industrial marketing. Trends becomes a tide. Younger buyers will soon call the shots. Be ready!

5 Tips for Making Print Advertising More Measurable

Print advertising can still be extremely valuable, especially in the manufacturing sector. Learn how to integrate your print advertising in trade publications with your digital campaigns to make them more measurable and improve your ROI.